All essentials for your Software Training Labs

Deliver the ultimate hands-on learning experience with a full-featured training labs

All features you need to get ultimate hands-on learning experience

LTI Connector & Manager

For Seamless LMS Integration

Clover-VTL is an LTI Tool Provider 1.0/1.1 and is compatible with any LTI-compliant LMS system. Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an education technology standard that allows seamless integration with multiple LMS platforms, with minimal effort from admins. LTI enables end users signed into your LMS to perform an authenticated launch of Clover based virtual labs, without requiring any additional sign-in credentials. Clover-VTL offers an LTI manager interface to generate LTI keys used to integrate your LMS and courses to the Clover platform. 

Cloud Configuration Tool

For fast cloud integration

Clover-VTL offers an intuitive interface for cloud customization and settings. The LMS or IT administrators need just to put their Cloud Provider Access Credentials in the Clover’s Cloud Management UI. As Cloud Broker, Clover-VTL uses these credentials to set up Cloud based Virtual Labs directly integrated in your LMS.

Template Management

For virtual lab preparation

Clover-VTL allows you to easily create and manage VLAB (VM and Docker) Templates related to your course sections  and entities. You can download pre-configured Templates from the Clover’s Catalog (all recent Windows and Linux versions), the Clover’s Docker repository, or your own Cloud and Docker repositories.

Hands-on Lab Management

Linking vlabs to course entities

Clover VTL offers a simple web interface to link cloud based hands-on labs to your course’s practice entities already defined in the LMS.  You can easily associate a VM or a Docker image, composing your virtual lab, to the appropriate course entity or section. 

Desktop & Session Management

For Advanced Control & Monitoring

Clover-VTL offers a VLAB Management interface to allow you creating and managing virtual desktops and containers associated to your labs. You can also perform actions on the desktop to expire the user’s session after a specified elapsed time. Clover provides also monitoring tools to analyze resources usage at run time.

Remote Desktop Access

Html5 web-based access

Clover-VTL uses Apache Guacamole, a clientless remote desktop gateway, to enable web based SSH/VNC/RDP access to Virtual desktops and containers launched from the learning platform. Because the Guacamole client is an HTML5 web application, use of your computers is not tied to any one device or location. Users can connect easily from anywhere with only a web browser.

Collaborative Tools

For better learning experiences

Various tools for collaborative writing and editing, file transfer, virtual classroom, and desktop sharing enable teachers to effectively collaborate with the learners. Clover is also compatible with the Guacamole’s connection sharing module to share the vlab desktops and dockers with other users with read/write permissions. A shared folder is also offered by Clover to store users’ files and session records. Virtual classrooms (powered by BigBlueBotton) can be launched on demand for live, synchronous and face-to-face sessions.

Automated scaling

For efficient utilization

Each virtual lab is associated to a host pool which handles active sessions. Clover can scale VMs in a host pool up or down automatically, without paying for idle resources. 

Analysis & Reporting

For VLAB Usage Reporting

The LMS administrator or the teacher can obtain detailed reports per learner that show use of cloud resources during the VLAB session lifetime. It provides statistics about total activity time (per day) spent by learners in their VLABs.